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We believe that our students, irrespective of their starting point, are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum where learning is irresistible and empowers them with the knowledge, skills and experiences to realise their life chances and dreams.

Our curriculum is logically sequenced and ensures our students have regular opportunities to practice what they know, constantly building and deepening their knowledge and skills.

We strive to underpin our curriculum with high quality teaching which effectively engages our young people in impactful learning. It will build upon their prior knowledge, skills and understanding and will secure their ability to successfully make progress towards next steps.

Our curriculum will deliver personal growth, foster strong relationships and facilitate learning alongside an effective approach to social, moral, spiritual, cultural, mental, physical and emotional development. This will prepare our students for life in modern Britain and develop their understanding of career opportunities linked to all subjects in order to raise their aspirations.  

Our students will have a sense of well-being and attend well; they will enjoy school life, remain safe and be passionate about learning and their future. Through our curriculum our students will be successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

Years 7, 8 and 9

During Year 7 and Year 8, Chaucer students follow a broad and balanced curriculum covering all aspects of the National Curriculum. The school operates a two week timetable during which students study lessons in English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, ICT, D+T, Religious Studies, French, Music, Drama, PE and Art. In addition, students study LIFE, which is a life-skills package, designed to support their learning and increase aspiration. Our LIFE curriculum encompasses a full range of personal development themes and placed within it is a strong emphasis on learning to learn, self-management and enterprise skills.

Students choose their options in Year 9 and currently have the choice of three option picks, in addition to core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Maths, Dual Science, BTEC ICT and PE. Most students are expected to choose at least one further Ebacc subject from a choice of French, History, Geography and Computer Science. Their remaining two choices are from a mixture of GCSE and Vocational subjects.

A breakdown of the number of lessons per fortnight, per subject, is below:

Subject Number of lessons per fortnight across KS3 unless otherwise stated.

Subject Number of lessons per fortnight across Key Stage 3
English 8
Maths 8
Science 6
French 4
Geography 4
History 4
Design & Technology 3
Art 2
Drama 2
Music 2
Religious Studies 2
PE 3
LIFE 1 hour per week


Years 10 and 11

In Key Stage 4, students follow their options choices and continue to study core subjects. Their core curriculum consists of English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science, BTEC ICT and PE. Students also study their chosen three options. A breakdown of the number of lessons per fortnight, per subject, is below:

Subject Number of lessons per fortnight across Key Stage 4
English 10
Maths 10
Science 10
PE 2
Option 1* 5
Option 2* 5
Option 3* 5
Life 1 hour per week


*A list of the option subjects we currently offer is below (courses run dependent on numbers):


  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Computer Science
  • Religious Studies
  • Art
  • Drama
  • Citizenship.

Vocational subjects (BTEC unless otherwise stated):

  • Enterprise
  • Health and Social Care
  • Creative Media Production
  • Music
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Sport
  • OCR Child Development
  • WJEC Hospitality and Catering
  • WJEC Engineering.

In Year 11, all students are given the opportunity to undertake a week long work experience placement, prior to them completing their Sheffield Progress Post-16 applications. This gives them a valuable insight into the world of work as well as an experience they can add to their Sheffield Progress personal statements. Work experience takes place in the final week of the autumn term, prior to the Christmas break.

As well as through the LIFE programme, students receive advice on Post-16 routes during a 1-1 session with a well qualified, Independent Careers Adviser.

Curriculum Equality and Accessibility

Chaucer School has an accessibility policy and a series of action plans related to it that can be found under Policies and Key Information. To summarise, the school offers a broad and balanced curriculum with a diverse range of educational experiences. In order to facilitate the inclusion of students with behavioural and emotional need, our LINCS provision offers one to one and small group intervention designed to help them access main stream lessons. Students also receive timetabled lessons in various subjects whilst accessing the provision. The SEN team also deliver one to one and small group sessions as well as in class support for students who require it in the main school.

Buildings at Chaucer School are fully disabled accessible with lifts and ramps ensuring access to all areas. All classrooms are wheelchair accessible and have disabled accessible teaching areas. Students with disabilities can access technology such as iPads and laptops to support them with their learning if they require them.