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School Improvement

Chaucer School has been on an incredible journey of improvement, constantly striving towards first-class outcomes at all levels for students. From an OFSTED Special Measures judgement in 2021-22 which criticised many aspects of the school, we now have a school where the corridors are calm, lessons are well planned and purposeful, and a personal developments plan to be proud of. Our OFSTED monitoring visits in March 2022, October 2023 and March 2023 have all described the transformational journey the school has been on. We look forward to reinspection during this academic year and showcasing the good features of our school.

We believe that not only are the foundations in place, the cornerstones, walls and ceilings are now in place to build Chaucer School’s first class service to the students, families and community we support. We are growing a legacy of respect, responsibility and kindness that spreads across our community as our young people move through each stage of their lives.

School improvement comes from a culture of reflection, both inward and outward looking; from a relentless drive to first-class outcomes at all levels; from an embedded system of seeking and listening to stakeholder voice. We seek and value honest and developmental critique from external partners to help us develop quickly as a school for the students who are with us now, and for the future.

Chaucer School is a member of TSAT (Tapton School Academy Trust), and we wholly support the trust's mission for all schools to provide a safe place to be, provide great teaching and learning, and create an environment where all opportunities are within reach. We’re strong supporters of the Trust belief that we are ‘Better Together,’ and genuinely benefit from close partnership with other primary and secondary schools in the Trust.

We’re proud to work collaboratively with the many agencies and authorities within Sheffield that support the community in all aspects of our students’ lives, as well as working with national organisations such as Teach First and the DFE Behaviour Hubs to help grow and continually improve our school. We're proud to be a DFE Behaviour Hubs Graduate School this year. 

We also work in direct partnership with Tapton School Sixth Form, Longley Park and Sheffield College, giving excellent opportunities for progression into post-16 learning, and are proud of the increasing levels of aspiration from our students to build successful lives and fulfil their dreams.