School Uniform
Blazers and jumpers can be ordered from Pinders School wear. Either via their website or by visiting in-store at Crystal Peaks.
Uniform Expectations
What students must wear:
- Fully supportive footwear that is all black (shoes/pumps/boots/trainers)
- Black or grey trousers or a black or grey skirt
- Chaucer school blazer
- Plain white formal shirt or blouse (may be short or long sleeved)
- Chaucer school tie
What students can wear as part of their uniform:
- Plain navy jumper with no writing or logo on it
What students cannot wear:
- Footwear that isn’t fully supportive of student’s feet (sliders etc.)
- Footwear that isn’t all black
- Jeans, tracksuit bottoms or leggings of any colour
- Tee shirts of any kind
- Hoodies of any kind
- Jumpers that are not navy in colour
- Jumpers with any writing, logos or other colours on them
- A jacket or coat when in lesson
Pinders school wear are the sole supplier for our school blazer and school tie and are contactable via their website:
Shoes, trousers, skirts, shirts and blouses are all available at local supermarkets and chain stores. Staff at Pinders store in Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre will be happy to assist you with ensuring that approved school uniform is purchased. If in any doubt on any uniform items please do check with school first before buying items that do not comply with school uniform policy. Colour swatches for trousers/skirts are also available from the school office.
- Correct school uniform must be worn every day.
- Coats, scarves, jackets and gloves must be removed when students are in lesson
- School shirts/blouses must fit properly and be worn tucked in at all times.
- Small, discreet items of jewellery may be worn e.g. earrings, small bracelet and rings but items of jewellery considered excessive or a health and safety concern will be removed. All jewellery must be removed for PE.
- We encourage students to wear faith related cultural dress to school but would ask that the school blazer is also worn.
PE Kit
Uniform expectations for PE lessons and sporting activities
- Chaucer T-Shirt
- Chaucer Hoodie (optional)
- Black leggings or tracksuit bottoms
Example of one small logo:
Examples of logos/stripes that are not permitted:
PE kit can be ordered via Pinders School wear.
Uniform Expectation Consequences
Consequences of students not meeting school uniform expectations will follow the process outlined below:

Non-Uniform Days Expectations
Non-uniform days mean students are able to swap their normal school wear for their own clothes in return for an agreed amount. To enable this to continue its important we are clear about what the expectations around these non-uniform days are.
Please look closely at the below expectations of behaviour, dress and equipment:
- Behaviour - The school expectations in terms of all aspects of behaviour remain exactly the same as normal school days. Student need to conduct themselves in line with the school policies as usual.
- Equipment – students must have all their equipment with them. This includes:
- Pen / pencil / ruler etc
- Planner
- Bag
- PE Kit – if they have PE
- Clothing - this is an opportunity for students to wear their non-school clothes but the following expectations apply and must be followed:
- External jackets/coats must be removed inside classrooms.
- All hoods on hoodies must remain down on school grounds.
- All hats and gloves must be removed inside the school building
Parents should note that the school carries no insurance for and bears no responsibility for student's personal clothing or equipment unless there is proof of negligence.
If you have any questions please contact us.